
Automation concept

Let us introduce: our software department

Valid software is one of the most important requisites for research and production in the pharmaceutical and biotechnological industry. HOF’s software department accompanies the software development from the design phase, project planning, start-up, qualification up to the service, with own software experts.

Patrick Schuhmacher
Patrick Schuhmacher

The steadily increasing requirements in terms of freeze-drying processes and documentation are a continually changing challenge for the system control. The system control does not only ensure a faultless interaction of all machine components, it also keeps records of all process data and events, to meet the requirements of the American and European health authorities.

Our control and visualization systems offer our customers a user-friendly and process-oriented operation. They are designed in a way that it is possible, to revert to existing modules, which can be adjusted without any problem to individual and specific customer requirements, especially within the projects

Professional planning

The subsequent software design planning is based on the effective design documents. At the outset of the project, the Design Document SDS (Software Design Specification) is prepared, including all annexes such as FDS (Functional Design Specification), plant alarm list and functional detail planning. During the module planning, we first find out, which existing modules are appropriate to perform the required tasks and how they can be modified if necessary. When required, module development specifications are prepared. The program development consists of adapting existing modules or creating new ones. By means of the module test, individual modules are checked, the results are recorded in the module test protocol. In the installation and integration test, the software will be implemented in the plant and the whole function is tested. The results are recorded in the software integration test plan.

Reliability, safety and service

As the last link in the chain of manufacturing, the software is responsible for control inputs and for the timely operational availability for FAT (factory approval) with the customer. To make this possible, adherence to internal manufacturing deadlines plays a central role. This also applies to the timeframe after delivery to customer-site. Start-up and qualification runs are carried out whose positive completion is essential for the successful acceptance.
At the same time, HOF pursues a continuous development of existing systems, as well as individual new development to optimize specific requirements.
It also includes a routine and accurate implementation of relevant software and hardware updates of the producers.

“Another important range of duty is our 24-hour service. When necessary, it is possible to help you immediately via Remote-PC”

Patrick Schuhmacher, Head of Software Engineering

Loading & unloading systems of HOF - Innovative and target-oriented

HOF’s loading and unloading system department has been successfully established on the market since the re-orientation in 2013. Therefore, a large number of new projects could be implemented. All departments, from the mechanical and electrical design department up to the automation and manufacturing department, meet the growing requirements in an innovative and target-oriented way using the latest techniques, e.g. with regard to bandwidth packaging, precision and speeds.

HOF’s loading and unloading system department has been successfully established on the market since the re-orientation in 2013. Therefore, a large number of new projects could be implemented. All departments, from the mechanical and electrical design department up to the automation and manufacturing department, meet the growing requirements in an innovative and target-oriented way using the latest techniques, e.g. with regard to bandwidth packaging, precision and speeds.

The high performance and reliability of our systems are determining factors in all manual, semi-automatic or fully automatic systems. Besides standardized vials and special formats, special packaging such as dual-chamber carpules or dual-chamber syringes can be transported. At the same time, we offer an automatic loading and unloading of bulk freezer-dryers. Worldwide patents are applied for technologies.

Combined HOF unloading system with superimposed sealing machine

A new and innovative system has been developed in collaboration with a renowned pharmaceutical company. After the freeze-drying process, the vials are discharged via the HOF unloading system and are subsequently transported into the sealing machine along the unloading system. For this purpose, the system installed in the RABS (Restricted Access Barrier System) individually operates in front of the respective freeze-dryer.

Your advantages:

  • Spatially reduced RABS area
  • Simplified product handling
  • High performance
  • Shorter processing times
  • Reduced running costs

The demand for robot systems in the pharma sector shows a trend

The application areas of the robotic technologies extend from extraction systems in the bulk freeze drying sector, up to the fully automatic frame handling for individualized storage. The design in matters of function and size for the respective application is variable, so that a suitable solution can be offered.

HOF has already been implementing robot systems since 2006, amongst others for the extraction of bulk products. Furthermore it is possible to extend existing systems with robot systems or replace operator-assisted processes.


  • High flexibility
  • Space saving systems 
  • Improved performance

"The expectations of new systems in regard of the local conditions and in connection with the extraction of upstream and downstream machines are extremely high. Our aim in to meet these requirements."

Jens Gemmecker - Sales Management loading & unloading systems

HOF ranks among the “TOP 100”

For the 23rd time, the event “TOP 100” awarded the most innovative medium-sized companies.
HOF previously took part in a sophisticated, scientific selection process. Innovation management and innovation success were considered.

HOF succeeded in belonging to the German innovation elite / A prize awarded by Mr. Ranga Yogeshwar, the "TOP 100" mentor.

For the 23rd time, the event "TOP 100" awarded the most innovative medium-sized companies. HOF previously took part in a sophisticated, scientific selection process. Innovation management and innovation success were considered. On 24 June, in the city of Essen, the mentor of the innovation competition, Mr. Ranga Yogeshwar, a famous german television moderator and scientific journalist, honored the top innovator within this German medium-sized companies Summit.

Every machine is unique

"Just in time quality for demanding customers" - that's the motto of HOF Sonderanlagenbau GmbH. The company is also specialized in the production of individual freeze drying systems for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries and does not deliver any off-the-shelf products; it provides special equipment. In the category "innovative processes and organization", HOF as a special equipment manufacturer, is excellently positioned: its management, its quality management, its software development and its mechanical and electrical engineering departments work closely together. Almost every machine which is delivered by HOF is unique or it is a new development, because it is exactly agreed with the customer and manufactured to meet its specific requirements. Before concluding the contract, HOF receives a comprehensive requirement specification. The processes used for the project execution and realization are precisely defined and are certified according to ISO 9001.

Making decisions together

In this TOP 100 competition, the company could particularly score with its remarkable processes. In order to select the best proposals, the heads of departments regularly meet outside business hours. During the meetings, they decide together in details how to master the challenges and which new technologies can be taken up. The meetings are held once a quarter and often take four to four and a half hours. So that these ideas don't bog down, they are always monitored by external advisors, which keep hold and follow-up on all relevant ideas.

Nothing is left to chance

Before the company management gives it green light for an innovation, it is ensured that all aspects have been exactly checked by every department. The focus will be on the short-term profit, but also on the long-term and future output, which may be connected with this innovation. Also it is important to master together new technological challenges, such as controlled nucleation. New solutions found by the team are immediately checked in-house: in the company's own application laboratory, in which multi-purpose experiments can be made. For this special equipment manufacturer, innovations in the field of freeze-drying are not left to chance; they are prepared and structured methodically.

The company management invested 40 percent of working time in innovations. Last year, the staff submitted 150 improvement suggestions. 85 percent of the ideas were implemented.

This year, more than 4,000 companies showed interest in participating to the "TOP 100" event. 366 of them applied for the qualifying round. 284 of them reached the final round. 238 finally made a leap forward in the TOP 100 (maximal 100 in each of the three size categories). The companies were assessed again by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke and his team from the Institute for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Vienna University of Economics. They assessed 100 parameters in five assessment categories like "Innovation-oriented Top Management", "Climate of Innovation", "Innovative Processes and Organization", "Innovation Marketing / outward orientation" and "Innovation success".

In their sector, the TOP 100 rank among "the pacemakers". This is confirmed by the following figures analysis: among the companies, there are 97 national market leaders and 32 global market leaders.


"A close cooperation is made with our quality and improvement management to discuss, document and follow-up our ideas"

The HOFs Family

Investment for the future: high-grade systems

Process safety, maximum plant availability, high performance, flexibility, valid software, the best service and a long service life…

Process safety, maximum plant availability, high performance, flexibility, valid software, the best service and a long service life…

... are only a sample of arguments that speak in favor of a HOF system. Our company has more than 28 years of experience in freeze-drying. Currently, over 260 qualified and motivated employees work at our two sites in Lohra and Gladenbach-Mornshausen.

Our systems are designed to meet the state of the art as long as possible and can be easily upgraded or modernized in a later stage. A great attention is being paid to the strict selection of our suppliers to obtain the highest quality possible for each part. All components are manufactured at HOF, from the plant piping, the switch cabinet and the shelves, up to the machine unit of the freeze-dryer. Yearly maintenances of existing plants guarantee a longer service life. Our service department is available 365 days, 24 hours a day, on call and in case of emergency. Our large spare parts inventory ensures that important components are available in case of failure. To some extent, it is also possible to retrieve some parts which are discontinued by the suppliers.

Within the scope of a retrofit of HOF systems or machines from other manufacturers, latest technologies are developed to be seamlessly integrated into the existing systems. Many aspects, such as energy optimization, operability and compliance with standards are taken into account. In connection with the extensions of freeze drying systems, we offer our innovative loading and unloading systems for automated charging. All necessary adaptations, from the plant cleaning (CIP), the shelves, the main door, up to the control, can be performed.

Another example is the modernization of the machine unit. HOF offers the latest technologies such as a conversion to halogen-free natural refrigerants with respect to the current F-Gases regulation.
For a maximum system security, all modules, such as the condenser or the piping system, can be replaced.

The control and visualization systems of HOF freeze-dryers offer a wide range of individual setting options to achieve different tasks and always target the high requirements of our customers. Our objective is that the existing machines meet the state-of-the-art. To make the grade and make it possible, project migration and program updates of existing machines are made.

Let us introduce you: our electrical engineering department

Our electrical engineering department is associated with the mechanical engineering and development departments.

Abteilungsleiter: Jürgen Gaul

Let us introduce to you: our electrical engineering department

In the following article, we are pleased to present you our electrical engineering department.
Our electrical engineering department is associated with the mechanical engineering and the development departments. The key tasks consist of the design development and improvement of the electro-technical parts for our Freeze-Drying Systems, Loading and Unloading Systems, Freeze-Thaw Units and Leak-Detection Systems of our affiliated company HOF Prüfsysteme GmbH. Another main task is to plan upgrades and maintenance of existing systems of HOF or of other manufacturers.

HOF employees create GMP and standard compliant circuit documents needed for the construction, qualification and documentation of systems. Specifically, plant overviews, wiring diagrams, terminal diagrams, cable diagrams and parts lists are issued. Inspection plans for VDE measurements (VDE=German Electrical Engineering Association) made on the equipment and inspection plans for safety technology resulting from the risk analysis are also created.

Safety systems for freeze dryers are developed in accordance with the current guidelines and in close collaboration with the public monitoring institutions.

HOF control systems are designed and constructed so that they are safe and reliable to avoid any dangerous situation. It must be pointed out that they withstand any service conditions and external effects.

In a risk analysis, each danger point is identified by HOF departments (kind of danger, probability and extent) with the objective that, for each risk, a performance level PLr (required level of safety function) is determined. All safety-related parts (electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical) are considered, regardless of the technology and energy used.

Furthermore, all other risks resulting from the use in the drying of solvent based products (ATEX) or biologically active products which might have influence on the protection of people, environment, product and machine, are considered, case-by-case, and are implemented in a conceptual framework.

HOF systems are safe and reliable: these are decisive features which are repetitively tested and targeted.

Another important aspect is the efficient use of energy and its optimization. The energy expenditure of consumers is recorded, analyzed and adapted with appropriate measures, by way of example to the process speed frequency optimization, start-up behavior or use of wasted heat through heat recovery. Our other aims are to comply with motors efficiency ratings (IE 3 / IE 4) and to improve them.

Fields of development currently focus on remote diagnosis and process-oriented video recording.

Review of ACHEMA 2015 - Sophisticated and successful!

At this year's international trade fair for process industry, HOF presented itself again to all regular and prospective customers with an attractive booth.

At this year's international trade fair for process industry, HOF presented itself again to all regular and prospective customers with an attractive booth.

3,813 exhibitors presented their products on 133.000m² exhibition space. With 166,000 visitors from 15 - 19 June 2015 in Frankfurt, ACHEMA has been a resounding success, a fact that was also affirmed by the organizers.

Many of our customers came to thoroughly acquaint themselves with new technologies, discuss current projects or simply look for a face-to-face contact.

HOF exhibited at its booth the following equipment: HOF MINILYO, HOF MASSANALYZER and an automatic loading and unloading system. In addition, its visualization programs “HOF LYOCOM” and “HOF FREEZE VIEWER Professional” were displayed on PC counters.

HOF’s innovative thinking was the main theme of the booth. Emphasis was made on our automatic loading and unloading systems, HOF SYNCHROFREEZE, the ecological thinking and technological know-how.

Customer service of HOF: The Number 1 for your installations

Our challenge is: a stable and reliable production for your daily business. To meet this demand, it is required to have a motivated and fit for service team and a pronounced and immediately available spare parts range.

[Translate to Englisch:] Holger Prinz - Abteilungsleiter Service

Our challenge is: a stable and reliable production for your daily business. To meet this demand, it is required to have a motivated and fit for service team and a pronounced and immediately available spare parts range.

With more than 40 employees in the service department and more than 60,000 items in our stock, we are fit for service 365 days a year. Thanks to our 24-hour emergency hotline, you can also reach us outside the regular business hours. If a problem occurs, we can work out a joint solution and plan the next steps by phone.

Whether you need spare parts, a repair or replacement of components, our short response times and tailor-made measures allow you to use your equipment again very shortly.
In case of software or control system problems, remote servicing can usually be carried out to determine the cause. Targeted interventions in the respective process step sequences enable to keep the current batch stable and reliable.

The holistic support service of your equipment has a special significance, regardless whether annual maintenance or case of failure.

(v.l.n.r.: Marco Lang, Abteilungsleiter Dr. Alexander Hof, Daniel Lotz, Gunnar Stadelmann)

Let us introduce our new department for ‚project coordination‘

In this article, we would like to present our newest department which started in the beginning of 2015: ‚project coordination‘.

Dr. Alexander Hof - Geschäftsleitung
Dr. Alexander Hof - Geschäftsleitung

In this article, we would like to present our newest department which started in the beginning of 2015: ‚project coordination‘.

Concerning project management, projects comprising freeze dryers as well as loading and unloading devices become more and more complex.

This means, the more complex or the more critical in terms of time a project is for our customers, the more complex are the requirements towards support, planning, documentation and transparency. In order to meet these increasing requirements, HOF is deploying a ‚project coordinator‘, in addition to the technical project leader. Together they form a team for our project management.

The project coordinator will accompany the final steps of the tendering stage and will be the primary contact person for the further course of the project all the way to the site acceptance test. He communicates internal and external topics, manages the interface to other supplying parties, updates the project status and the according timeline, and coordinates open points.


Overview of the general tasks:

  • Primary contact for our customers throughout the whole course of the project
  • External communication with the customer, as well as additional suppliers and service providers
  • Internal communication of information
  • Organization and structuring of project-specific documents (eg. minutes of a meeting, agenda, status, dispatch of documents, supplements, etc.)
  • Coordination of open points
  • Reporting to the management

HOF - We introduce our mechanical engineering department to you

The mechanical engineering department for freeze-drying is an important link between the sales department and the manufacturing department at HOF.

The fully equipment planning including installation plans and layouts, pressure vessel designs, manufacturing drawings of individual components and P&ID drawings are part of the project management’s field of responsibilities.

The mechanical engineering department for freeze-drying is an important link between the sales department and the manufacturing department at HOF.

The fully equipment planning including installation plans and layouts, pressure vessel designs, manufacturing drawings of individual components and P&ID drawings are part of the project management’s field of responsibilities.

The project management is subject to a continual improvement process with the aim of meeting the stringent requirements and due to the complexity of the installation in conjunction with the loading systems. The project manager is fully responsible for his project and accompanies it in the design phase, during the manufacturing and the delivery, up to the machine acceptance on-site. This operating process is very important to guarantee a continuous quality assurance.
Once we have designed and calculated a customer’s project at the tender stage, the first step in the project management is to create a functional specification. This task is performed by the sales department and the functional specification is transferred to the project manager. Then, we can start with the creation of the installation plan and the P&ID drawings for the plant. In parallel or immediately afterwards we can start with the manufacturing of the inner parts and the construction of the chamber and condenser vessels (chamber). Before we begin with the manufacturing of the actual main part, the chamber, it must be checked if the pressure vessel directive is applicable. Certificates of conformity, risk assessments and norms must also be taken into account.

The plant and its components are designed using the latest 3D software programs, although HOF has developed special design standards. The results of the engineering consist in documents such as drawings and parts lists. To ensure the correctness of the design documents, the corresponding design calculations are performed, such as strength calculations, thermal calculations, fluid dynamic calculations and other calculations. The drawings are checked by a second person before the acceptance is given to manufacturing (“four-eyes principle”). In conclusion, technical documentation and manuals are then drawn up.

If you have a question, please contact Mr.Hubert Sell

The following tasks are part of the general tasks of our mechanical engineering department:

Project management and customer communication
Calculation and design of pressure vessels
Design of components and assemblies
Planning of piping systems
Planning of retrofits and modifications
Creation of P & ID flow diagrams
Preparation of technical documentation
Creation of risk analyses
Process calculations
Mechanical installation check
Project support during introduction into the building and installation

Just in time quality for demanding customers

A consistent implementation of the quality management is sine qua non and part of the corporate principle at HOF. Continuous quality controls in all areas do guarantee products that meet the highest requirements. Setting high standards for its own method of work is one of the prerequisites for HOF’s success.

This principle of Hans-Georg Hof is a daily matter of course, since the company HOF, whose product offering is in close contact with pharmaceutical products, attaches special importance to the reliability of production processes and to quality assurance.

For a successful partnership, a consistent implementation of the quality management system is sine qua non. It begins with purchasing and supply of parts: HOF pays attention to high quality standard "made in Germany". Continuous quality controls in all areas guarantee products that meet the highest requirements.

Quality controls of the incoming goods, mechanical external production components and basic materials are made using different methods of measurement. Our subcontractors are subject to regular inspections on different manufacturing levels according to international regulations, guidelines and customer specifications. On a regular basis, there are also internal controls at HOF within the scope of quality assurance. Hydraulic lines made by HOF are also tested according to international regulations and guidelines and customer specifications.

A measurement is made of the surface roughness of the components in contact with the product. Also, the dalta-ferrit content of base materials and welding seams is determined. Finished surfaces are examined by a dye penetrant inspection, in order to locate any possible pores or surface cracking. An endoscopic quality control of welding and hydraulic lines constructions is made.

The high expectation of its own method of work is one of the prerequisites for HOF’s success. The processes in the company are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008. Thus, the quality in the development and manufacturing of machinery and systems is ensured.

Customer benefits:

  • Assurance and enhancement of the required quality of the products
  • Continuous improvement of production processes
  • Alignment of products and processes to customer requirements
Any questions?